
Method Goals

This method aims to return the total price and cancellation policies of the Option selected in the previous step (Avail).

Request Format

The Valuation request format is similar to that of availabilityRQ. It’s here you will add data to the option selected.

Response Format

The returned XML contains the total price and list of cancellation policies.


Our system allows for a maximum of 180000 milliseconds before the connection is closed.

ValuationRQ Example

In the request for this call it is necessary to use the object: “HotelBaseRQ”. You can find the information in the section ‘Common elements’.

       <Parameter key = "ID1" value = "ID#1#VR"/>
       <Parameter key = "ID2" value = "ID#2#FGR#45187#10-5"/>
       <Parameter key = "PSR" value = "511.28"/>
       <Room id = "ITD10" roomCandidateRefId = "1" code = "TW" description = "Twinn"/>
       <Room id = "IOG22" roomCandidateRefId = "2" code = "IND" description = "Individual"/>
       <RoomCandidate id = "1">
               <Pax age = "30" id = "1"/>
               <Pax age = "30" id = "2"/>
       <RoomCandidate id = "2">
               <Pax age = "30" id = "1"/>

ValuationRQ Description

Element Number Type Description
ValuationRQ 1 Root node.
StartDate 1 String Start date of rate search. Format dd/MM/yyyy
EndDate 1 String End date of rates search. Format dd/MM/yyyy
OnRequest 1 Boolean Indicates if you want to receive the on request options in AvailRS, as long as the supplier returns it in this method (see MetaData).
MealPlanCode 1 String MealPlan code.
HotelCode 1 String Hotel code.
PaymentType 1 String Indicates payment type (See full type list at Lists of Data).
OptionType 1 String Indicates option types.
Nationality 1 String Guest nationality (use ISO3166_1_alfa_2).
Rooms 1 Rooms in this option (room list).
Rooms/Room 1..n Room Details.
@id 1 String Room Identifier.
@roomCandidateRefId 1 Integer Room candidate Identifier.
@code 1 String Room code.
@description 1 String Room description.
RoomCandidates/RoomCandidate 1..n Room required.
@id 1 Integer Id of requested room (starting at 1).
RoomCandidates/RoomCandidate/Paxes/Pax 1..n Pax required.
@age 1 Integer Passenger age.
@id 1 Integer Passenger id (starting at 1).
Parameters 0..1 Additional parameters reported in AvailRS. If you receive parameters in AvailRS it is mandatory to send them exactly the same as received. If you don’t send exactly the same parameters as received the Valuation could fail.
Parameters/Parameter 0..n Additional parameter requiring integration.
@key 1 String Contains keyword/Id to identify a parameter.
@value 1 String Contains parameter value.

ValuationRS Example

            <Parameter key = "bd1" value = "43"/>
        <Price currency = "EUR" amount = "36.20" binding = "false" commission = "-1"/>
        <CancelPenalties nonRefundable = "false">
                <Penalty type = "Importe"  paymentType = "MerchantPay" currency = "EUR">25.00</Penalty>
                <Penalty type = "Importe"  paymentType = "MerchantPay" currency = "EUR">72.40</Penalty>
            <Fee includedPriceOption = "true" description = "TaxAndServiceFee">
                <Price currency = "EUR" amount = "8.11" binding = "false" commission = "-1"/>
        <PaymentOptions cash="false" bankAcct="false">
                <Card code="VI"/>
                <Card code="AX"/>
                <Card code="CA"/>  

ValuationRS Description

Element Number Type Description
ValuationRS 1 Root node.
Parameters 0..1 Parameters for additional information.
Parameters/Parameter 1..n List of parameters.
@key 1 String Contains the keyword/Id to identify a parameter.
@value 1 String Contains parameter value.
Status 1 Status option (OK = available, RQ = on request).
Price 1 Total price of this valuation.
@currency 1 String Currency code.
@amount 1 Decimal Option Amount.
@binding 1 Boolean Identifies if the price is binding (When true the sale price returned must not be less than the price informed).
@commission 1 Decimal Commission: -1 = not specified (indicated in contract with the supplier), 0 = net price, X = % of the commission applied to the amount.
CancelPenalties 1 Cancellation policy details.
@nonRefundable 1 Boolean Indicate if this option is nonRefundable (true or false).
CancelPenalties/CancelPenalty 0..n Listing cancellation penalties.
CancelPenalties/CancelPenalty/HoursBefore 1 String Number of hours prior to checkin date in which this Cancellation policy applies .
CancelPenalties/CancelPenalty/Penalty 1 Contains the value to apply.
@type 1 String Type of possible penalty values: “Noches” (nights) , “Porcentaje” (percentage) ,”Importe” (price value).
@currency 1 String Currency code.
@paymentType 1 String Indicates payment type of penalty (See full type list at Lists of Data) .
Remarks 0..1 String Remarks (see MetaData in order to verify if a supplier implements it).
PaymentOptions 0..1 String Payment Types allowed by the supplier. This tag is mandatory only if payment type is different than MerchantPay.
PaymentOptions/Cards 0..1 List of cards allowed.
PaymentOptions/Cards/Card 1..n Details of card.
@code 1 String Code card. Se the full list of card codes at Lists of Data
Fees 0..1 Contains a list of fees.
Fees/Fee 1..n Contains details of the fee.
@includedPriceOption 1 Boolean Indicates if the fee is included or not in the final price (value indicated in the node Price in ValuationRS).
@description 1 String Remarks regarding fee.
Fees/Fee/Price 1 Contains details of price.
@currency 1 String Currency code.
@amount 1 Decimal Fee Amount.
@binding 1 Boolean Identifies if is the price is binding (When true the sale price returned must not be less than the price informed.
@commission 1 Decimal Commission: -1 = not specified (indicated in contract with supplier), 0 = net price, X = % of the commission applied to the amount.
CancelPoliciesDescription 0..1 String Contains the cancellation penalties in free text (see MetaData in order to verify if a supplier implements it).

Detailed Description

**Suppliers with block allotment **

There are some suppliers who use block allotments, sometimes called pre-confirmation or quote. In that case, you will have 30 minutes to complete the booking, if not, you will have to re-launch Valuation 30 minutes after the last request, normally just before booking request.


The valuation response depends if the parameter is set: if it is set as false, the integration will filter this option. If the supplier provides us a new status in ValuationRS, then we return an error because the supplier changed the status option.


Booking cancellation penalties are affected by the following elements:

  • HoursBefore: cancellation fees applicable x number of hours before the check in date

  • Type: There are three values that can be inside types:

  • Noches: indicates the number of nights to be penalized.

  • Porcentaje: indicates the percentage to pay based on the option price.

  • Importe: indicates the exact amount payable

  • Currency: currency of the penalty fee.

In this example you can see 2 CancelPenalty with different HoursBefore:

<CancelPenalties nonRefundable = "false">
        <Penalty type = "Importe" paymentType = "MerchantPay" currency = "EUR">25.00</Penalty>
        <Penalty type = "Importe" paymentType = "MerchantPay" currency = "EUR">72.40</Penalty>

This means that depending on when you cancel the booking you should pay one penalty or the other, but not both. If you cancel 24 hours before the check-in you should pay 72.40€

Final buying price:

If the price in the reservation is lower, we recommend taking into account the price in valuation, given that it is the price which the end customer will see. The price in reservation should always be kept in mind, especially in case it is higher than the one in valuation.


Keep the parameters in the avail response to include them in the valuation request.

Keep the parameters in the valuation response to include them in the reservation request.